Beiträge von chris100


    Hat jemand schon mit 6230 mit Lotus Notes Kalender synchronisert. Gibt es Probleme bei bestimmten Kalendereinträgen?
    Ich habe noch keine Berichte gelesen - es wäre aber für mich eine wichtige Kaufentscheidung für 6230!

    Bitte auch feedback wenn Ihr keine Probleme habt!

    Ich habe gelesen auf der Nokia Connection wurde das erste Brennstoffrzellen Handy demononstriert. War jemand dabei und hat jemand diesen Prototyp schon Life gesehen? Standby time,etc. würde mich interessieren?

    Saturday, June 19, 2004
    Fuel Cells is the future of mobility

    In my job I come accross lots of new technology, but much of it leaves me luke warm. What got me really hot was when I first was introduced to the Fuel cell headset. I realised this is so amazing that it will totally transform the world.
    Earlier this week at Nokia Connection our former CTO Dr. Yrjö Neuvo, showed the press the fuel cell powered headset. They were excited. I am trilled. Let me alaborate why this is so amazing:

    1.) Liquid is esentially free from form and will thus enable us to make radically different electronics. It will stimulate an era of organically shaped electronics, only familiar to people watching sci-fi movies.
    2.) The concept of re-fuelling is already normal behaviour for everyone driving a car, extending it to re-fuelling electronics should not be a problem.
    3.) No more cable and power adapter hell. What I notice when I go sailing is that the bulk of my adapters is equal of that of my gadgets. Now I would just have to bring along a small bottle of fuel and few small nozzle adapters and I would be mobile for a fair amount of time.
    4.) The distribution of fuel could become as ubiquitious as the distribution of batteries.

    The little bottle in the picture would last for about two weeks. Anyone who ever designed small electronics will know what amazing limitation to form traditional batteries will cause, now the shape is not limiting imagination. I will follow the evolution of this technology with great interest

    Internet Seite eines Nokia Entwicklers von Lifblog

    Ich würde mir gerne einen solchen NOkia digitalen Bilderrahmen, als Geschenk für die OMa zulegen und insbesondere Remote meiner OMa über MMS Bilder senden.

    Hat jemand das Produkt im Einsatz - Erfahrungen?

    Insbesondere kann ich meiner OMa ein MMS auf diese SIM Karte senden und das Foto linkt sich "automatisch" d.h. ohneakzeptieren oder anderen Tasten entweder als Bild in den Rahmen bzw. in eine Bilderserie?

    Danke für die Antworet.


    Weiss jemand schon wann endlich one, a1 und t-moile es nach Österreich bringen - ich verstehe nicht warum die Provider nicht auf die Kundenwünsche eingehen und es endlich in das Sortiment nehmen!!!!


    Laut BBC wird NOkia auf der Cebit die Nokia LIfeblog vorstellen -

    Damit kann ich mein persönliches Tagebuch mit BIldern, Messages, etc. einrichten - dies klingt grossartig! Artikel ohne BIlder (im LINk):
    og your life via your phone

    By Mark Ward
    BBC News Online technology correspondent

    Lifeblog on a phone screen
    Nokia is developing software that will help turn its phones into life loggers.

    The Lifeblog software automatically arranges all the messages, images, videos and sound clips people capture with their phones.

    The PC software organises information on a timeline and lets people add to the collection with images from other digital still and video cameras.

    Eventually the software will let people publish some or all of the information they collect to the web to let them create their own biographical blog.

    Snap happy

    Regularly updated journals known as weblogs, or blogs, are hugely popular on the net.

    Blogs are maintained about almost every subject from new technologies to political developments and many people use them as a kind of online diary.

    Some sites such as Buzznet help people maintain moblogs or photoblogs which are journals that log what they are doing and seeing when on the move.

    Lifeblog is organised by time
    Now Nokia is developing software to help people organise the information they capture about their lives on handsets that can shoot still or moving images, capture sounds and send text, e-mail and multimedia messages.

    "The mobile telephone is becoming a life recorder," said Christian Lindholm, former head of user interfaces at Nokia and now the man behind the Lifeblog project.

    Bigger memories on top-end phones means that people gradually, and inadvertently, accumulate a lot of information about themselves.

    "People are gatherers," he said, "somewhere deep in the genes there's something that tells us to collect stuff."

    He said Nokia had worked hard to ensure that people could do most things, such as take pictures or tap out text messages, on its handsets with one hand.

    "That makes the whole culture of snapping possible," he said, "you are just kind of logging your life as you go by."

    The Lifeblog software runs on a PC and, when a phone is connected to the machine, sucks down all the images, text and multimedia messages stored on the handset.

    It will then populate a timeline with the information arranging it chronologically and annotating it with tags the phone records about when and where something was done.

    The software works out where someone was using codes that uniquely identify cell phone base stations.

    Images from digital still or video cameras can also be added to the collection of information.

    "You want to keep everything so you can get a nice overview," said Mr Lindholm "so you can decide what you really want to keep or delete."

    New tools

    A cut-down version of Lifeblog will also run on a handset to allow people to see how the content they capture is being arranged.

    New parents tend to accumulate lots of photos
    Mr Lindholm said Nokia's Lifeblog software was part of a growing market for personal content managers and would likely compete with Apple's iLife and the other products such as Picasa.

    Eventually tools included with Lifeblog will let people publish some of the information online to populate a weblog.

    Mr Lindholm said: "I would like lifeblogging to become a verb.

    Mr Lindholm said version 1.0 of Lifeblog should be available by the end of June. A preview will be shown off at the Cebit technology fair in Hanover next week.

    The first phone to have the software on-board and included in the Nokia PC suite of software it comes with will be the recently announced 6620.

    The sample version will have a limit set on the amount of content it will catalogue. Once this limit is reached users will be prompted to buy the full version for 30 euros.

    Also es funktionieren .rm und .3gp Videos tadellos und mit langer Spieldauer. Ich habe sogar einige 90 min Spielfilme (mit diesen Format verbraucht ein Spielfilm ca. 90 min) die ich so ansehen kann - ob MPeg funktioniert weiss ich nicht - wenn ja nehme ich eher an das es MPEG4 sein.

    Also falls MPEG nicht geht in anderes Format umwandeln. Dann finde ich n-gage zum Absielen super!!

    Ausser Meeting Mitschrift - verwende ich Ihn auch zum erstellen von persönlichen Briefen / MMS - ein handgeschriebenes e-mail oder MMS mit persönlicher Unterschrift wirkt eindeutig besser.

    Weiters ist es möglich in Word/Powerpoint nicht nur als Bild sondern auch als shape zu übernehmen - daher kann ich eigene Shapes für eine Powerpoint Folie erstellen.

    Bin noch im entdecken von weiteren sinnvollen Anwendungen.

    PS. Bezüglich meines Druckers im Office werde ich morgen nachschau halten und morgen berichten.:top: