Review of the S100 (in english)

  • Pibrahim -> Have you ordered a S100. If so, where have you ordered it and have you received it yet??? And what did you have to pay?


  • Just btw (I dont want to scare anyone) but both ***** (we dont even spell the name anymore, just S**** and Meisl arent first (not even second or third choice) in this forum (also I never had problems with Meisl, but others had)...there are much better and more reliable shops known here....(just check out the Achtung Werbung headline....)

    I know its off topic but anyway: the TCQ is not worth its money! I had it for half a day and gave it back...The hardware quality isnt anywhere near any Samsung made mobile...the look and the feel are that of a cheap plastic toy....The display is excelent but cant compensate for the rest...(talking quality, reception) You are way better of with the S100 or T100...(btw the available languages are English and Chinese only, with the manual only in Chinese...)


    on a mission 42.195...
    Apple iPhone 3G 8 GB | Italien | 2.2.1 | Netz: o2

  • Yo! :)

    Just a small note, the TCC has come down in price since that review was made, it is now around 379euros, meaning its a heck of a lot cheaper, but thinking about it, its not worth it - if there's a problem, who the heck do we send the phone to? I've never even heard of TCC before!

    Rappelsack has offered the phone to me for 549euros, I need to flog my T68 before I can buy it though. If anybody out there fancies helping me out, its already upgraded to T68i firmware, unlocked, extra lunar grey facia, data cable, leather case, etc :) WIth a bit of luck I can sell it pretty soon and order the S100!


  • If I may make a comment:

    Recommendations of shops, always in "Achtung, Werbung!" please !
    And comparisons of different mobiles of different producers in Mobilfunk Allgemein, please.
    Please do not mention shops, which are on our blacklist. That's why it's there for. ;)
    We have our reasons for that.

    Thank you very much. :)

    “Das Leben ist wie ein Fahrrad. Man muß sich vorwärts bewegen, um das Gleichgewicht nicht zu verlieren.” Albert Einstein

  • Bigblue ->

    Just an other question about the S100....

    Is it possible to get the phone to ring and vibrate at the same time, or is it only possible to first ring and then vibrate??


  • Only ring -> then vibrate is possible.

    Ist das eine von den Kirchen, wo man so kleine Cracker kriegt? Ich habe Hunger!

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